Sara Roberts McCarley named 2020-21 LAMTD Board Chair

LAKELAND (October 22, 2020) – Transit history in Polk County will be made in November when Lakeland City Commissioner Sara Roberts McCarley takes the reins as Board of Directors Chair for the Lakeland Area Mass Transit District.

McCarley, named to the board in 2019, is the first woman to lead the board of directors in the 40-year history of the district. She was also the first female board member. McCarley, replaces recently retired Polk County Commissioner John Hall as the board chair.

“Commissioner McCarley has been a transit advocate for ALL Polk County residents since her time at Polk Vision,” said LAMTD Executive Director Tom Phillips. “We are very excited about her leadership and guidance this coming year.”

The Lakeland Area Mass Transit District provides public transportation county-wide doing business as Citrus Connection

McCarley is the former Executive Director at Polk Vision where she was committed to building local public-private partnerships. She is dedicated to helping her community as an active volunteer in and around Lakeland. Her current community involvement includes work with the Harrison School for the Arts Philanthropy Committee and Parent Association, the Lakeland High School Parent Teacher Partnership, Lawton Chiles Middle Academy PTO, First United Methodist Church Nominations Committee and Alter Guild, the Lakeland Area Cotillion Council, Leadership Lakeland Class XXXVI – Lakeland Chamber of Commerce, and the Leadership Polk Alumni Association.